Galway Cartoon Festival 2020: Help Us Happen! 💰

UPDATE: OUR FUNDIT CAMPAIGN WAS SUCCESSFUL! The Galway Cartoon Festival is 4 this year. Despite the pandemic we are still planning to host a physical exhibition.Our ability to fund-raise has been severely curtailed. If you’ve ever enjoyed an editorial cartoon please bung us a fiver. Your Funding Benefits: Fund €20+ Contributors will receive a copy of the festival programme, a copy of the 2020 Festival poster and will be added to our invitation list for all live and on-line events Fund €50+ Contributors of €50 or more will receive a festival t-shirt, a cartoon print, a copy of the festival programme, a copy of the 2020 festival poster and invitations to all openings, live events and online events Fund €100+ Premium contributors will receive a signed print by a top cartoonist, the much-sought-after festival pencil and sketch pad, a festival catalogue and poster, a festival t-shirt as well as invitations to all events. WHAT IS THE GALWAY CARTOON FESTIVAL? This will be the fourth year of the festival and this year we will run from Friday October 2nd to 9th October 2020 with a major exhibition in Galway City centre and a series of events and workshops. We are also planning to hold an exhibition of cartoons in Irish on the Aran Islands. All of the exhibitions will be available to view online and we will be holding a series of online interviews, talks and workshops. WHAT WILL BE IN THE EXHIBITIONS? We will be showcasing some of the work produced by top Irish and international cartoonists in reaction to the pandemic and how it has effected our lives and an exhibition of work in the Irish language. The exhibitions will also be available to view on our website (, where we are currently running a series of interviews with top Irish and international cartoonists. WHAT ELSE WILL BE HAPPENING? As well as the series of interviews and the on-line exhibition, our website will also be hosting a series of workshops, talks and live drawing events. If possible, we will also host a number of live events and workshops in the exhibition venue. We will be setting up “draw on a phone box” official graffiti spaces where anybody who feels like giving it a go can become an opportunistic artist! And there will be an Art Trail, showcasing top cartoon art, in various locations throughout the streets of Galway.

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Festival visitors can get a 20% discount from Kinlay Hostel using the promo code “Cartoon20”!