There’s stuff on today for just about everyone:
11:00 – Children’s stories
Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop
Ed Steckley reads from his children’s books in Charlie Byrne’s.
12:00 – Irish Apes
Portershed 2
Donal Casey gives a fascinating talk about the ways Irish people were portrayed in the anti-Irish cartoons of 19th century Britain and America.
1:00 – Drawing Time
A Nearby Pub or Café
Come with us for a sketchy lunch.
3:30 – Ed Steckley Masterclass
PorterShed 2
The very talented American cartoonist-illustrator will give us a live-action illustrated talk about why he loves cartooning so much. This will be amazing. Anyone who wants to make a career in drawing – or anyone who just loves to see it done well – should not miss this.
[Yes it does say “12:30” in the brochure. Sorry about that, gremlins struck. Ed’s show is definitely at 3:30.]
5:00 – Harry Burton’s Solo Exhibition
Town Hall Theatre
Every year we honour an Irish cartoonist; sometimes one we’ve loved for decades, sometimes one fresh and new. This time it’s about as fresh as it gets. Harry Burton has shot to international fame in the last few years, simply because he has an outstanding talent for political cartoons.
As if that were not enough, veteran cartoon genius Martin Rowson will deliver a few words to get the show on the road.
8:00 – Mass Drawing Event
Some Pub (Probably Neachtain’s)
OK so this isn’t so much an official event as “Woah that was some day, let’s go to the pub now”. But drawing will ensue and you’re welcome to join in.