Just Days To Go!

Deadline: Sunday July 31

Don’t think about it too much, just send us something. We’ve had submissions from over 100 cartoonists so far, so it’s going to be a party.

  • Entries should be emailed to info@galwaycartoonfestival.ie as 300dpi jpegs.
  • People have asked is there any limit to the number of entries you can send. The answer is no (just please be reasonable!)
  • All entries we select will be printed and exhibited in venues around Galway, from September 30 to October 9 2022.

Additionally, these selected entries will appear in an online brochure and gallery of the 2022 festival.

If you submitted your work more than a week ago and have still not received an acknowledgement, please get in touch and we’ll check that it reached us.

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